Ancestral Womb Healing Cacao Ceremony


Register for in-person on Tue Feb 20 evening Next online date to be announced soon

Profound guided transmissions, activations + meditations...

......Judy + Giovanna lead you into healing and moving personal emotions, so that your deepest dreams can be awakened, and your entire life transformed.

Each of us spent 5 months in our grandmother's womb

 All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries when she's a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. 

This means our cellular life as an egg 

begins in the womb of our grandmother. 


Layne Redmond, When We Were Drummers 

Join us

in Sacred Space 

Through sacred cacao, guided meditations, visualization and journaling...

...... you will be nourished, enriched and connected to your female life force and creative energies of abundance



Christine Page

Cacao Sacred Circle

Nourish with cacao plant medicine, connect to this higher plant Consciousness, experience heart opening and expansion 

"A woman in harmony with her Spirit is like a river flowing....

She goes where she will without pretence...and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and ONLY, herSELF". Maya Angelou

This Ceremony is available online and...

This Ceremony is also available in-person

This Sacred Ceremony will be IN-PERSON. There will be a beautifully decorated space, filled with candles and cushions that will bring joy and keep you cozy and comfortable.
After registration, we will send to you an email to support you in preparing for this Sacred Ceremony
There are 6 spots available to join us in person in Toronto


Chocolate has captivated the world for thousands of years, and now it's time to EXPERIENCE the Medicinal, Healing and Awakening main RAW ingredient called CACAO.

  • Cacao is the main ingredient to make CHOCOLATE (the world's favourite food). Ceremonial cacao is RAW and unprocessed, and considered a TEACHING PLANT, with a spirit to connect to (and therefore a SACRED MASTER PLANT MEDICINE).
  • Cacao has been used ceremonially through Indigenous communities for thousands of years to connect to your heart
  • The ceremonial intake of Cacao is a powerful Meditation of Love, which strengthens and awakens us to a deeper relationship with our inner Self, with others, with the planet and with All That Is.
  • When pure cacao is combined with your spiritual practice, you can expect accelerated Inner Awakening and creative guidance. 

Womb + Heart Coherence



Learn more about this Ceremony by clicking on the VIDEO below

Whether you attend online or in-person, you will experience a sacred altar

What to expect at this beautiful Sacred circle:

Join us in person or online for this Sacred ceremony with these two powerful Healers, Judy & Giovanna!

6 spots are available in person in downtown Toronto.

 What you will receive...

Includes all 7 Offerings:

1) 2.5-hour Sacred Ceremony including drumming, guided meditations, healings, activations

2) A recorded Mini Sacred Womb Activation for you to expand your intention before arriving to the Ceremony

3) 20 min group sharing afterwards with individual card reading

4) Access to The Sacred Womb Healing & Cacao Ceremony Playlist

5) An 8 day Practice: Heart & Womb Connection: a PDF guide, created by Giovanna and Judy, to support you to acknowledge & ignite your Divine Magic within your womb

6) An invitation and 20% discount to the upcoming: Honouring Mary Magdalene Cacao Ceremony

7) A personalized aura and chakra frequency scan (after the Ceremony)

Join us and receive all 7 offerings above!

We have designed this Ceremony to include all these additional offerings to support you in integrating your womb healing after the Ceremony.

 Everyone is welcome whether you are a mother, daughter, brother or in any other relationship.

If you're new to Ceremonial Cacao and this heart-opening medicine, click here to receive a complimentary GUIDE and What-To-Expect Video: 

We donate a percentage of all sales to AMAZON RAINFOREST CONSERVANCY.

We have designed this Ceremony to include all these additional offerings to support you in integrating your womb healing after the Ceremony

We have designed these offerings to support you before, during and AFTER the Ceremony, so you can continue your Divine womb work, to integrate and embody your new transformations.Β 

Register for in-person on Tue Feb 20, evening Next online date to be announced soon

"I learnt so much about cacao that I couldn't even imagine the healing properties that it has and how it opens our heart to release any trauma and pain. During the Ancestral womb meditations, I was feeling into my family's history of trauma specifically from my grandmother and mother. I felt their pain come to the surface to be acknowledged, and then pain of my personal trauma as well. Also, one of the things that I really enjoyed was when Judy shared her story regarding infertility and how she came to realize that she had another purpose in life than having children. This is a realization that I have been working on this past year and during the meditations I saw my true purpose and that is also not having children. This message came from a Goddess, she looked like a Goddess to me and it was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. I don't even know how to thank you both for this Sacred Womb + Cacao has changed my life."


"Wow, the Sacred Womb Healing & Cacao Ceremony was such a magical experience. Learning the power of Cacao and taking time to honour and heal my womb was exactly what I needed. My soul felt so at ease as Judy and Giovanna guided us with their knowledge and love. Thank you for creating space for me to open my heart, bring peace to my womb and remind me of the divine being that I am."


"I don't meditate often but I know and feel that I need to especially after this beautiful Ceremony. I did a lot of crying and I felt so many different emotions come up for me, as Judy mentioned is expected from drinking and connecting to the Cacao. I could feel that most, if not all of my chakras are blocked. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by so many light, positive, beautiful women. You all brought joy into my heart and made me smile. I loved learning about the cacao and I realized that I'm mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically depleted. I'm looking forward to more healing in my life now. "


"I am so grateful for this ceremony. It was deep and powerful. I felt looked after and taken care of. I have worked tons on myself yet, I found another important piece in me to just accept where I came from without making it mean anything."


"I absolutely loved the SACRED WOMB HEALING + CACAO CEREMONY. It was so nice to have the heart opening cacao ceremony paired with the womb healing. Both Judy and Giovanna hold the space for all participants' well-being with such care. You can tell they are passionate about what they do and that the event is a sacred one. Doing it on a the eclipse and solstice made it feel even more special to me. I left feeling centred, grateful, at peace with lots of joy sprinkled all over me. I recommend any woman do this for herself β€” and often! It’s a beautiful and rich gift to give to ourselves.’ "

Lisa Kelly
Mentor in the Art of Living Your Dreams

"I had a few interesting realizations during the event most significantly about the pain that my grandmother carried about having had so many children, the pressure that caused her, and her being unable to pursue the life she really wanted (I never knew this about her when she was alive but it was so clear). And realized that I didn't have any recollection of my great grandmother's name...which lead me to realize how little I know about my lineage and how common it is in my family to not really talk about how things REALLY are. But most of all I loved being with women connected consciously to our hearts. For me there is nothing more powerful right now in order to heal our world. When I look at the issues surrounding us it is clear to me that they are caused by a planet that is so far out of feminine/masculine balance toward the masculine. The rise of the feminine is the answer in every case (racism, the environment, our healthcare system, corporations, etc etc) & to me that is exactly what these circles do...raising the heart, balancing feminine/masculine. Thank you for providing this space and empowering us to do it for ourselves."


"I loved the ceremony and, in particular, the feeling of love that enveloped it. The flow from one peaceful, joyful, soulful activity to the next was just right. And the Cacao was delicious on many levels. It was a beautiful way to spend the evening and I look forward to joining another time. "

Susan Patterson

Meet Your Sacred Ceremony Hosts:

Judy (Judite) Machado

Supporting heart-centered women to Love-themselves-into-life through daily ceremonial living of cacao + other sacred rituals.

Judy is the Founder of Goddess Temple Cacao and the Author of Life Purpose Playbook. As a Spiritual Embodiment Coach, Judy also hosts online and in person Ceremonies to facilitate personal spiritual growth + greater impact of the collective Consciousness.

Giovanna Dilallo

Moon Mother attuned by Miranda Gray since May 2013. Giovanna facilitates personal Womb Healings and Womb Blessings. She also hosts women's meditation healing circles - aiding women to reconnect to their womb centre - by balancing their female energy centre with awareness of all the wonderful gifts that reside within.



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